Chapter 6 - Exploit Development
Security risks at the application level are among the most significant, pervasive categories of security problems impacting organizations today. But traditional IT security focuses on network and perimeter-based protection, not on the application code itself.And while most development teams test their applications for functionality, performance, and integration, the lack of security testing early in the development process can have serious consequences. Failure to address security throughout the application lifecycle can result in embarrassment—or catastrophic damages like the loss of intellectual property, money, or data.
— Buffer Overflow Attacks: Detect, Exploit, Prevent, page 403
Understanding programs in memory
Anatomy of a program in memory
Epilogue: Canaries and Buffer Overflows
Intro to Assembly
Assembly Language MegaPrimer for Linux
Intro to Buffer Overflows
Intro to Buffer Overflows - Computerphile
Getting cozy with Exploit Development
Course materials for Modern Binary Exploitation by RPISEC
From Buffer Overflows to “Weird Machines” and Theory of Computation
Breaking the x86 Instruction Set
LiveOverflow's YouTube Channel
radare2 as an alternative to gdb-peda
Differential Slicing: Identifying Casual Execution Differences
Shellcoding for Linux & Windows Tutorial
Interpreter Exploitation: Pointer inference and JIT spraying
Writing JIT-Spray Shellcode for fun and profit
Bypassing memory protections: the future of exploitation
Buffer Overflows
Setup & Information
Disable/Enable ASLR/DEP
The Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit
See what shared libs a program uses
Find hex addresses of functions/libs within a program
Attack Vectors
Socket Programming in Python and Integer Overflow
Overflow input to overwrite EIP with return address that leads to payload
Intro to Buffer Overflows - ch3rn0byl
Beginning Stack Based Buffer Overflows - The Grey Corner
Exploit Writing Tutorial Part 1 Stack Based Overflows
Smashing the Stack for Fun & Profit : Revived
Are Buffer Overflows on a modern system impossible?
Identifying another exploit mitigation and finding a bypass
Brute-force 32bit stack cookie
Introduction to Exploit Development - FuzzySecurity
Introduction to Linux Exploit Development - FuzzySecurity
Windows Buffer Overflow Tutorial: Dealing with Character Translation - The Grey Corner
Overflow input to overwrite SEH -> next SEH -> Pop pop ret
SEH Stack based buffer overflows - The Grey Corner
Stacks & Handlers & Python, oh my! - ch3rn0byl
Exploit Tutorial: Buffer Overflow – SEH Bypass
Overflow input to overwrite heap with dummy data, 2nd chunk overwrite forward link with destination and backwards link with value
Heap Spraying Exploit Tutorial
Exploit Writing Tutorial Heap Spraying Demystified - corelan
Tracking down heap overflows with RR
The Heap: What does malloc() do?
The Heap: How to exploit a Heap Overflow
Memory freed twice. corrupts heap memory manager.
1) chunk must be isolated ( no freed adjacent chunks )
2) destination free list bin must be empty
Forward/Backward pointers both point to base of heap, and the heap points back to the node (self referential) infinite loop. (unlink fails)
deprecated but still works with some creativity
If heap falls into this state you may be able to use after free or another buffer overflow.
The Heap: How do use-after-free exploits work?
The Heap: dlmalloc unlink() exploit
Exploring pwnable with ltrace and gdbinit script - Exploitation part 1/2
Use-after-free and overwrite entry in GOT - Exploitation part 2/2
Memory Corruption
Using memory corruption to leak sensitive data Fuzz the inputs and observe all possible changes in the program Note any oddities and changes (Especially a dump of bytes! ;))
Blind Buffer Overflow exploitation to leak secret data
Return to libc
Doing ret2libc with a Buffer Overflow because of restricted return pointer
The Geometry of Innocent Flesh on the Bone: Return-into-libc without Function Calls (on the x86)
PLT and GOT - the key to code sharing and dynamic libraries
Rowhammer Attacks: An Extended Walkthrough Guide
Exploiting the DRAM rowhammer bug to gain kernel privileges
SIGRETURN Oriented Programming
Sigreturn Oriented Programming is a real Threat
Jump Oriented Programming
Jump-Oriented Programming: A New Class of Code-Reuse Attack
Return Oriented Programming
64-bit Linux Return-Oriented Programming
Return Oriented Exploitation (ROP)
An introduction to the Return Oriented Programming and ROP chain generation
Return-Oriented-Programming (ROP FTW)
DEP & ROP: Modern Binary Exploitation
ROP is Still Dangerous: Breaking Modern Defenses
Return oriented programming - Wikipedia
Introduction to return oriented programming (ROP)
The need for a POP POP RET instruction sequence
Intro to ROP: ROP Emporium — Split
OptiROP: hunting for ROP gadgets in style
Introduction to return oriented programming (ROP)
Return-Oriented Programming without Returns
Blind Return Oriented Programming (BROP)
The art of searching memory
EggHunting Sorcery - ch3rn0byl
Windows Buffer Overflow Tutorial: An Egghunter and a Conditional Jump
Security Mechanisms
Stack Canaries/Cookies
Buffer Overflow Protections (Canaries) - Wikipedia
Mitigating Buffer Overflow Attacks with Stack Cookies
Exploit writing tutorial part 6 : Bypassing Stack Cookies, SafeSeh, SEHOP, HW DEP and ASLR
Linux GLibC Stack Canary Values
Executable Space Protection - Wikipedia
Can MPROTECT set the stack itself as executable? - StackExchange
Exploit Dev 101: Bypassing ASLR on Windows
Simple ASLR/NX bypass on a Linux 32 bit binary - Decoder's Blog
Linux ASLR integer overflow: Reducing stack entropy by four
Bypassing ASLR by predicting a process’ randomization
Information Disclosure
Format Strings
Remote format string exploit in syslog()
Format String to dump binary and gain RCE
Format String Exploit and overwrite the Global Offset Table
Format string exploit on an arduino
A simple Format String exploit example
From Format String Vulnerability to Remote Code Execution
Format String Exploitation-Tutorial
Remote code execution via PHP [Unserialize]
2017 - Practical Serialization Attacks by Nicky Bloor
Exploiting Node.js deserialization bug for Remote Code Execution
Last updated